SDA applauds the government for encouraging peace and unity

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) President Pastor, Keith Chuumpu, addressed a crowd of dozens of SDA members as they moved through the streets of the capital, cleaning the district, and removing any waste which could pose a risk to public health.

He said, “We all know that we only have one country and one nation, and this country is Zambia. And your emphasis on the idea of one unity, one Zambia, one nation is one thing that is so much appreciated. This is what church is here for. It’s about practical activities and helping the community and contributing to the country.”

In response to the SDA Docus mothers’ community service, the Lusaka province deputy permanent secretary Alex Maposhi praised the collaboration between the church and government working towards a cleaner, healthier city.

Maposhi declared, “Charity begins at home…My message to everybody is that, can you supplement the work that the government is doing in terms of keeping our city, Lusaka city clean. As government, we cannot do it alone.”

The SDA Docus mothers had gathered from across 500 congregations to clean the city, reflecting the positive, proactive approach the church is taking to meet the government’s efforts.

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