Cost of Living Falls

The Basic Needs and Nutrition Basket survey has recorded a decrease in the cost of living during the month of June. The report is run by the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR).

It now stands at K10,442.45 which constitutes a reduction of K258.68 compared to the month of May.

On 9 July, the JCTR Social and Economic Development Officer, Lukwesa Musonda said that the reduction was due to a price drop for commodities such as tomatoes and fruits. Seasonal vegetables such as sweet potatoes had also dropped in price from a higher supply, providing some relief.

The slight decrease is a welcome change against the consistent rising of inflation and food prices due to the drought. The JCTR expressed the importance of maintaining human dignity in times of crisis saying, “addressing these economic challenges requires policies and practices that prioritize the well-being of the most vulnerable.”

The government has implemented a number of policies not only to alleviate the stress on food supply in Zambia, but also to uphold the right to food. For example, the Chembe district in Luapula province received 1,740 50kg of white maize in June which was distributed to vulnerable households.

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