Massive cyst removed from woman by Zambia Flying Doctor Service

A 32-year-old woman from Kabompo District has undergone a life-changing operation to remove an enormous ovarian cyst weighing 12.3 kg.

The patient, who had a history of ovarian cysts dating back to 2018, had mistakenly believed she was pregnant when the growth began to increase rapidly in size over the past five months. She had previously sought treatment at Kabompo District Hospital for her condition.

The woman was examined by a medical team during a Zambia Flying Doctor Service (ZFDS) outreach clinic at Ndungo Rural Health Centre (RHC). After a negative pregnancy test, an abdominal scan revealed a massive cyst that had completely filled her abdomen, obscuring all other abdominal organs from view.

Dr Kamukwamba Mwale, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, diagnosed the patient with a giant ovarian cyst and immediately referred her for surgery. Given the woman's age, the cyst is suspected to be a cystic teratoma, which is typically benign.

The surgical procedure was successful and the patient is now recovering.

This case serves as a reminder of the need for regular health check-ups and the importance of seeking professional medical advice when experiencing unusual symptoms.

It also emphasises the vital role of the ZFDS in delivering essential healthcare services to remote areas.

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