690 Additional Student Loans Awarded at Mulungushi University

An additional 690 student loans have been awarded to first year students at Mulungushi University covering the 2024/2025 academic year. This follows the award of 1,457 loans last month, bringing the total approved by the Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) to 2,147.

Increasing access to education at all levels is a key priority of the New Dawn government, which introduced free primary and secondary education during its first year in office. The government has also previously used money recovered from anti-corruption efforts to fund university bursaries.

Education is also being supported through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), which has been increased from K1.6 million to K30.8 million per constituency, with 20% allocated to youth and women empowerment and 20% to secondary school and skills development.

Meanwhile the government has also turned its attention to Early Childhood Education (ECE), publishing a report on the cost of addressing challenges in the sector titled ‘The Cost of Inaction’. Launched by Minister of Education Douglas Syakalima, the report sets out cost estimates for buying ECE materials and provides evidence based information for decision making processes and policy development related to the commitment of delivery quality ECE services to all children aged 3-6 years.

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